Roma Review
- Origin: a blend of Central (Mexico from the Ixhuatlan region) and South American (Brazil) high-washed Arabica and Robusta coffee.
- Intensity: 8
- Bitterness: 4
- Acidity: 4
- Body: 3
- Roasting: 3
Not a very strong aroma. Light brown, nearly creamy-coloured, foam. Woody/cereals smell, with some tobacco and dark cocoa.
Tasting quite dry but also quite good foam, persistent and pleasurable. Definitely more bitter at the taste, with a strong bitter aftertaste and woody notes that prevail over any other flavour. Second notes would be cereals and a vague milk aftertaste.
Acidity fades quickly and leaves bitterness come to the front. Quite a dark, italian, roast.