• Hawaii Kona banner

    Hawaii Kona gets re-released

    The limited edition from the Hawaii islands has been recently released again in most markets (EU/US/Australia). It is available for both the Original and Vertuo systems, under the “special reserve” line for an admittedly, very, very steep price.

  • Hawaii Kona is available again (US only)

    For those who missed this famed origin, Hawaii Kona can be bought on the Nespresso US website again. As last year, it will be probably be available for a few months and not anywhere else. So if you happen to be in the US, you can take this chance to stock it up.

  • Hayman Hawaii Kona

    Hayman Hawaii Kona review

    Origin: 100% Extra Fancy Hawaii Kona coffee Buy: Order Hawaii Kona at Hayman , Order Hawaii Kona at Amazon One of the rarest and most famous coffee in the world, Hawaii Kona grows on the slopes of the volcanoes Halalai and Mauna Loa, from the Kona district, Big Island, Hawaii. Light brown foam. Complex and sweet aroma. Medium body, with a velvety feel in mouth. A very smooth cup, easy to drink. Overall on the dry side of the coffee spectrum, not at all bitter. Good levels of pleasant acidity, bright. Hayman Hawaii Kona ends with a very clean finish, leaving little to no aftertastes.

  • Reference

    Table of coffee origins – Oceania

    Country/Region Denomination Notes Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea (general) Modest, low-toned richness, moderate acidity like fermented apples. Often compared with Indonesian coffee, it is not as full-bodied or aromatic but possesses a buttery quality and great sweetness Sigri Earthy body, not as full-bodied or aromatic as coffee from Sulawesi but as fruity as it Arona Modestly rich taste, comfortably rich, with a fruity aroma and generally well-balanced Kimel Full-bodied with a medium bright acidity. A wild cup with currant and chocolate hints Chimbu New Caledonia New Caledonia (general) A fair Robusta or Liberica. Often compared to Blue Mountains from Jamaica La Foa Leroy The most famous origin Bourbon Pointu…