Ispirazione Millennio Review
A 2021 limited edition pod within the Ispirazione Italiana line, inspired by the modern Italian coffee style. Brown foam. Aromatic smell, roasty and nutty, with some light spiciness. A pod with a medium/heavy body, with plenty of roasty notes and a velvety mouthfeel. Crema is thick and quite long-lasting. Mostly a bitter coffee and with good intensity, with acidity coming up in the aftertaste, mostly. Chocolate notes mix with nuts, almonds and hazelnuts primarily, in the taste profile. Not a great deal of either, flavors are subdued and blended. At lower temperatures the acidity becomes marginally more noticeable. Fruit-like acidity. The specific flavor is lost amid the general bitterness. Virtually…
Ispirazione Novecento Review
A 2021 limited edition within the Ispirazione Italiana line, inspired by the classic taste of Italian coffee of the 20th century. Very dark brown foam. Lots of chocolate, nuts and nicely roasted notes in the aroma. Intense but quickly dissipating. Definitely a typical dark roasted coffee smell. Dry at the first sip, with a subtle sweetness that pairs with a more prominent bitterness. Not as heavy-bodied as could be initially expected, more on the medium/heavy side. The mouthfeel is overall dense though, nicely velvety and with a thick crema that lasts a long time. A bitter and nutty aftertaste is a nice contrast with the denser, more like velvet and…
Green Caffè Nero Decaffeinated Review
The classic Green Caffè Nero blend in the decaffeinated version. Brown foam. Intensely roasted smell hinting at medium/dark roasted beans. Traces of cocoa and bell peppers can be smelled in the aroma. Good acidity overall, with a generous amount of bitterness. Medium-heavy body, quite velvety mouthfeel, and a thick crema that is unfortunately short-lived. A gentle sweetness comes up at lower temperatures, making this pod easily drinkable black or unsweetened. Dark chocolate notes dominate the taste profile, leaving to be notice only a vague caramel flavor and some mushy, earthy, undertones. Overall a very balanced, on the dark-roasted side, cup of coffee. An easier drinking experience than it could have…