Così review
- Origin: a blend of lightly roasted Arabica coffee from Kenya and Costa Rica.
- Intensity: 4
- Bitterness: 2
- Acidity: 3
- Body: 2
- Roasting: 2
- Order: Buy Cosi capsules at Amazon
Light brown foam. Medium intense aroma, biscuits-like, with remarkable sweetness.
More acidic with a delicate sugary undertone at the tasting compared to the aroma. Probably a light roasted coffee. Light bodied as well, with inconsistent crema.
Barely bitter, the not so vivacious acidity is the main component of this pod, not so much because of its prominence but more because both bitterness and sweetness are quite low.
Cereals and citrus-like flavors are the main ones, with some biscuits qualities and a pear-like acidity in the aftertaste, especially noticeable when drinking Cosi at low temperatures.
A dash of sugar can bring out more of this pod’s sweetness, balancing the acidity. Nothing overwhelmingly sweet though.
Cosi is a low key capsule, with good acidity and low intensity, for a calm and easy drinking experience.