Istanbul Espresso Review
- Origin: Ethiopian Arabica and Indian Robusta
- Intensity: 8
- Body: 3
- Roasting: 4
- Acidity: 3
- Bitterness: 3
An Istanbul-inspired limited edition pod within the World Explorations line.
Light brown foam. Delicate cereals’ aroma, nicely roasted, with a feeble milky sweetness and a tad of acidity.
A light-medium bodied pod, smooth and with little aftertaste when hot. Predominantly bitter but not excessively so. Acidity is definitely also present from the beginning and becoming more noticeable as the coffee cools down. Intensity is moderate.
The taste profile is complex: a mix of aromatics as pepper and paprika, with a light grapefruit’s acidity merge with a predominant almond flavour. Especially in the aftertaste and at lower temperatures the dryness and bitterness aspects of almonds are prevalent.
Arabica’s acidity becomes primary in the last phases of the drinking experience. Good lasting crema.
An overall gentler take on Istanbul’s coffee culture compared with Café Istanbul, this newer pod works great as a mild espresso or a macchiato, where the milk increases the acidity and brings out more almond-like notes.
Eventually good as a light latte or cappuccino, but lots of milk can make the coffee disappear. A smooth, mild and fragrant pod, and an easy drink.