Nespresso vs Espresso: how do they compare?
There is a long held debate on whether Nespresso is real espresso or not, and how does the coffee produced by a Nespresso machine compare with what a proper espresso machine can produce. We have chimed in on whether Nespresso constitutes real espresso before, so we won’t repeat ourselves here. You can read our previous article on whether Nespresso is real espresso if you are more interested in that and come back here later. What we are interested in discussing here instead is how actually Nespresso coffee tastes in comparison with an espresso from an espresso machine and other brewing methods. There’s a lot of discussion that is mostly superficial,…
Can You Make Dalgona Coffee with Nespresso?
Dalgona coffee is the latest trend on social media regarding coffee. For those unaware of it, Dalgona coffee is a type of whipped coffee made with a 1:1:1 ratio of instant coffee, hot water and sugar. Whipping it all together until it becomes a frothy mixture and then scooping it over cold or hot milk, to form exactly a whipped coffee like many other around the world. Dalgona coffee has become well known through social media like TikTok and Instagram and comes from South Korea (probably the first to name it so was a south-korean actor, Jung Il-woo, who ordered it in Macau and likened its taste to the Dalgona…
On Nespresso coffee not being real espresso
Coffee snobs and/or aficionados aren’t usually fond of Nespresso capsules for their coffee. Various reasons, more related to taste than actual quality of the coffee involved in our opinion. But that’s not the point we want to make today. Some claim that Nespresso capsules cannot produce a real espresso but something similar, that can’t be called “espresso” though. That involves two different conception of what espresso is: a method of brewing coffee and the result of such a method. In the first case, an espresso machine as can be found in any bar works by pumping hot water through grounded coffee at high pressure. Any Nespresso machine works like this…
The different coffee brewing methods: Chemex, Aeropress, French Press, Siphon, Moka Pot, Turkish Coffee
A topic not directly related to Nespresso and its capsules, but there’s so much confusion and lack of knowledge about the various machines and devices that can brew coffee these days that we thought of writing a quick breakdown of them all, and for what they are best used for. Just a brief description of what they are and what type of coffee you can expect to brew with each of these brewing methods. Enough to know how to differentiate them. Chemex A Chemex is a glass brewing machine that looks like an hourglass carafe. It comes in a few slightly different shapes, but usually all have a wooden or…