• Reviews

    Caffè Vergnano Napoli review

    Origin: Robusta coffee Intensity: 5/5 Body: 4/5 Order: Buy Caffè Vergnano Napoli at Caffè Vergnano , Buy Caffè Vergnano Napoli at Amazon Dark brown foam. Very tall crema, probably the tallest of all capsules reviewed so far. Profoundly roasted aroma, with caramel and spicy hints. At first taste the cup is dry and virtually devoid of any acidity. Contrary to the impression that the colour of the coffee could give, a medium-heavy bodied cup instead of a fuller bodied one. Not much sweetness either, again, against the first impression given by the aroma. Overall dry and somewhat bitter but not overwhelmingly so. An intense cup, with a very persisting crema,…